Community Funding at ImpactFest 2020
On the 28th and 29th of October, I will be hosting a new series of Community Funding roundabouts at ImpactFest. Celebrating its 5th anniversary, ImpactFest invites social entrepreneurs, impact investors and venture philanthropists to the biggest online impact meetup.
In my roundabouts (brief in-depth workshops with a limited number of participants) I will focus on community involved in funding for social and community enterprises.
We’ll discuss issues like:
- How to engage (members of) communities to invest and stay interested in your impact-oriented business or project.
- The do’s and don’ts of crowdfunding and other types of community funding.
- Strengths, limits and expectation management of community involvement.
- How to balance a community’s appetite for social impact and financial reward.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions ImpactFest will be held entirely online. You can get your tickets here. Looking forward to meeting you!