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Lijst met referenties uit de Crash Course Community Finance:


Arnoldus, Martijn, Mark Hillen, Jos van Kuik & Willemijn Verloop (2013) Stimulansen voor de social enterprise sector. Ervaringen en lessen uit Europa. Amsterdam: Kennisland, Social Enterprise NL. 

AFM (2019) Trendzicht 2020. Amsterdam: AFM. 

Bailey, Nick, Reinout Kleinhans & Jessica Lindbergh (2018) An assessment of community-based social enterprises in three European countries. Research Institute Report No. 12. Londen: Power to Change. 

Blonk, Laurine & Annette van den Bosch (2018) Niet meer zomaar te stoppen. Over duurzaamheid van burgerinitiatieven. Utrecht: Movisie, Universiteit voor Humanistiek.

Burkett, Ingrid (2010) Financing social enterprise. Understanding needs and realities. Spring Hill (Aus): Foresters Community Finance. 

Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy Europe/EU (2019) Innovative financing schemes. Lessons learnt from the Covenant of Mayors community.—EUCoM 

EU (2012) Financing Social Impact. Funding social innovation in Europe – mapping the way forward. Brussel: EU, Social Innovation Europe, Young Foundation. 

EU (2016) A recipe book for social finance – A practical guide on designing and implementing initiatives to develop social finance instruments and markets. Varga, Eva and Hayday, Malcolm (red.). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 

Ham, M. & J. van der Meer (2015) De ondernemende burger. De woelige wereld van lokale initiatieven. Utrecht: Movisie, Sociale Vraagstukken. 

LSA (2019) Bewonersbedrijven. Bouwen aan een sterke sector. Utrecht, LSA. 

Ministerie van BZK (2013) Giften, leningen en lidmaatschapsrechten. informatieblad voor maatschappelijke organisaties. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. 

Nichols, Alex, Rob Paton & Jed Emerson (red.) (2015) Social finance. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

OECD/EU (2019) Boosting social entrepreneurship and social enterprise development in the Netherlands. In-depth policy review. OECD LEED Working Papers. Parijs: OECD Publishing. 

Patti, Daniela & Levente Polyak (red.) (2017) Funding the cooperative city. Community finance and the economy of civic spaces. Wenen: Cooperative City Books. 

Platform 31 (2016) Experimentenprogramma wijk investeren. Eindevaluatie. Den Haag: Platform 31. 

SER (2015) Sociale ondernemingen: een verkennend advies. Den Haag: Sociaal Economische Raad. 

Social Enterprise NL (2019) De Social Enterprise Monitor 2019. Het onderzoek naar de ontwikkelingen van sociale ondernemingen in Nederland. Amsterdam: Social Enterprise NL. 

The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies (2016, vol 11, nr 3) New frontiers of development. Social finance, the latent power of the private sector. 

Tyson, Eric (2017) Investing for dummies. Hoboken (NJ): For Dummies. 

Zwaard, Joke van der, Maurice Specht, Kees Fortuin, Harrie Vendeloo, Karlijn Schipper & Theo van Wieringen (2018) Voorbij de pioniersfase van bewonersinitiatieven. Verduurzaming van plekken van betekenis. Rotterdam: in opdracht van de Verre Bergen.

Community als investeerder

AFM/DNB (2013) Interpretatie over crowdfunding. 

Arnoldus, Martijn (2019) Open up finance. To communities. Research-setting keynote, Universiteit Utrecht. 

Bardoel, Imke (2014) Burgerinitiatieven in beeld. Ervaringen met verdienmodellen en slim financieren. Vilsteren: Provincie Overijssel, Stimuland. 

Big Society Capital (2015) Communities and social investment. Londen, Big Society Capital, Social Investment Insights Series.

Coleman, Kieran, Thomas Kock Blank, Curtis Probst & Jeff Waller (2017) Financing community-scale solar. How the solar financing industry can meet ¢16 billion in investment demand by 2020. Boulder (CO): Rocky Mountain Institute. 

Community Shares (2016) Investing in community shares. 

Community Shares UK (2019) The community shares handbook. 

Davis, M. & L. Cartwright (2019) Financing for society: assessing the suitability of crowdfunding for the public sector. Report. Leeds: University of Leeds. 

Douw, Simon & Gijsbert Koren (2017) Het grote crowdfunding boek. De weg naar jouw crowd. Amsterdam: Business Contact.

Koffijberg, Miranda & Alex de Meijer (red.) (2019) Wind- en zonneparken realiseren met inwoners. Hoe organiseer je als lokale overheid een succesvol proces met draagvlak en lokaal eigendom? Energie Samen & de Natuur en Milieufederaties. 

NESTA (2016) Crowdfunding good causes. Opportunities and challenges for charities, community groups and social entrepreneurs. Londen: NESTA. 

OECD (2013) Alternative financing instruments for SMEs and entrepreneurs: the case of mezzanine finance. Parijs: OECD, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development. 

Old, Rosalyn, Jonathan Bone, Dave Boyle & Peter Baeck (2019) Taking ownership. Community empowerment through crowdfunded investment. Londen: NESTA, The Community Shares Company, Greater London Authority & London Economic Action Partnership. 

Roundy, P.T., Holzhauer, H. M., Dai, Y. Finance or philanthropy? Exploring the motivations and criteria of impact investors. Strategic Responsibility Journal, forthcoming. 

RSF (2018) Shared gifting. A toolkit to empower you to democratize giving. San Francisco: RSF Social Finance. 

Social Impact Investment Taskforce (2014) Impact investment: the invisible heart of markets. Harnessing the power of entrepreneurship, innovation and capital for public good. Londen: Social Impact Investment Taskforce. 

Veelen, Tim van (2015) Civic crowdfunding: a financial kickstart to urban area development? An analysis of the institutional structure in which civic crowdfunding in urban area development is embedded. Delft: TU Delft.

???? What are community shares? An animated guide.

Impact investing

Balkin, Jeremy (2016) Investing with impact. Why finance is a force for good. New York: Routledge.

Convergence (2019) The state of blended finance 2019. Toronto: Convergence.

Danish Technological Institute (2016) Promoting social enterprise financing. Discussion paper, presentation and discussion of three models bringing together government, foundations and private investors to mobilise financing for social enterprises.  

DCED (2019) Donor engagement in innovative finance: opportunities and obstacles. The donor Committee for Enterprise Development, Private sector engagement working group. 

EVPA (2017) Financing for social impact. The key role of tailored financing and hybrid finance. Brussel: European Venture Philanthropy Association. 

EVPA (2018) A practical guide to venture philanthropy and social impact investment. Brussel: European Venture Philanthropy Association. 

GIIN (2013) Catalytic first-loss capital. Issue brief. New York: GIIN. 

GIIN (2019) Annual impact investor survey 2019. New York: GIIN. 

GIIN (2019) Sizing the impact investing market. New York: GIIN.

Grant, Peter (2012) The business of giving. The theory and practice of philanthropy, grantmaking and social investment. Londen: Palgrave Macmillan.

Guézennec, Camille & Guillaume Malochet (2013) Impact investing: a way to finance the social and solidarity economy? Parijs: Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective. 

???? Impact investing is catching fire: here’s what you need to know. (Korte introductie door Forbes).

Impact Management Project (2019) The investor’s perspective. Building an impact management process for a multi-asset class portfolio. Impact Management Project/SNOWBALL.

John, Rob (2016) Venture philanthropy: the evolution of high engagement philanthropy in Europe. Oxford: Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship. 

J.P. Morgan (2010) Impact investments. An emerging asset class. J.P. Morgan Global Research. 

Ormiston, Jarrod, Kylie Charlton, M. Scott Donald & Richard G. Seymour (2015) Overcoming the Challenges of Impact Investing: Insights from Leading Investors, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6 (3), pp. 352-378,

PRI (2018) Impact investing market map. New York: Principles for Responsible Investment, UNEP Finance Initiative. 

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (2017) Impact investing. Strategy and action.

Rodin, judith & Margot Brandenburg (2014) The power of impact investing. Putting markets to work for profit and global good. Philadelphia (PA): Wharton School Press.

Simon, Morgan (2017) Real impact: the new economics of social change. New York: Bold Type Books.

Social Investment Task Force (2010) Social investment ten years on. Londen: Social Investment Task Force.

Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang & Barbara Scheck (2017) Impact investing. Instruments, mechanisms and actors. München: Palgrave Macmillan.

The Social Bond Principles (2018) Social bonds principles. Voluntary process guidelines for issuing social bonds. Parijs: ICMA/The Social Bond Principles.—June-2018-140618-WEB.pdf

TUM & Schwab Foundation (2011) Social investment manual. An Introduction for social entrepreneurs. Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

UN Global Compact (2019) SDG Bonds. Leveraging capital markets for the SDGs. New York: United Nations Global compact, UNEP Finance Initiative.

???? Venture philanthropy explained. (Gemaakt voor het Aziatische netwerk voor venture philanthropy.)

Venturesome (2008) Quasi-equity: case study in using Revenue Participation Agreements. Charities Aid Foundation. Londen: Charities Aid Foundation. 

Wendroff, Alan & Kay Sprinkel Grace (2001) High impact philanthropy. How donors, boards, and nonproft organizations can transform communities. Hoboken (NJ): Wiley.

???? What is impact investing? (Introductie door PYMWYMIC.)

World Economic Forum (2019) Impact investing for the next generation: insights from young members of investor and business families. Genève: World Economic Forum. 


Albertson, Kevin, Chris Fox, Chris O’Leary & Gary Painter (2018) Payment by results and social impact bonds. Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US. Bristol: Policy Press.

???? An introduction to social impact bonds.

Garret, Ean, Aledia Kartchner & Walter Battle (2015) The micro-social impact bond. A framework for 21st century social innovation. White paper, Infinite 8 Institute, L3C.

Nonproift Finance Fund (2019) Pay for success: the first 25. A comparative analysis of the first 25 pay for success projects in the United States. 

Ramsden, P. (2016) Social impact bonds. State of play and lessons learnt. Parijs: OECD.  

Social Finance (2012) A new tool for scaling impact. How social impact bonds can mobilize private capital to advance social good. Boston: Social Finance.

Social Finance NL (2019) 5 Jaar social impact bonds in Nederland. Amsterdam: Social Finance NL. 

Trotta A., R. Carè, R. Severino, M. Migliazza & A. Rizzello (2015) Mobilizing private finance for public good: challenges and opportunities of social impact bonds. In: European Scientific Journal, 11 (10), pp. 259-279. 

Weller Worldwide LLC & Copenhagen Business School (2018) Pay for success literature review: a precare report.

De overheid en community finance

Algemene Rekenkamer (2019) Zicht op revolverende fondsen van het Rijk. Den Haag: Algemene Rekenkamer. 

Arnoldus, Martijn (2019) Innovatiesubsidies Sociaal Domein. Haarlem: Social Finance Matters.

Bokkes, Willem (2019) Maatschappelijke initiatieven, subsidies en transactiekosten, Beleidsonderzoek Online.

Kruiter, Harry, Albert Jan Kruiter & Eelke Blokker (2015) Hoe waardeer je een maatschappelijk initiatief? Handboek voor publieke ondernemers. Wolters Kluwer.

Laken, Eric  & Vincent Sabee (2016) Publiek-private samenwerking en hybride financiering. Organisatorische randvoorwaarden voor decentrale overheden. Laken Organisatie Advies in opdracht van het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. 

Meijs, Lucas, Irene van Staveren, Lotte van Vliet & Willemijn van der Zwaard (2015) Bewust betrokken. De belofte van crowdfunding voor het sociaal domein. Den Haag: Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling. 

Movisie (2016) Wat knelt? Inventarisatie knelpunten bij burgerinitiatieven in zorg en ondersteuning. Utrecht: Movisie, Vilans.

Ouden, Willemien den (2018) Wel betalen, niet bepalen: de subsidiëring van burgerinitiatieven. In: Lange, R. de, J. Goossens & N.S. Efthymiou (red.) Democratie: nieuwe ontwikkelingen. Publikaties van de Staatsrechtkring. Staatsrechtconferenties nr. 2018. Oisterwijk: Publicatie van de Staatsrechtkring, Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 131-162.

Rfv (2014) Tussen betalen en bepalen. Publieke bekostiging van maatschappelijk initiatief. Den Haag: Raad voor de financiële verhoudingen. 

Van der Steen, M. et. al. (2010) De weg van het geld. Den Haag: NSOB.

Voor je Buurt, Hogeschool van Amsterdam (2018) Civic Monitor 2018.